To achieve the purpose of the Bharat Scouts and Guides, we give progressive training to the : Cub and Bulbuls (5+10 yrs. Boys and Girls) From Pratham Charan to Chathurtha Charan and Komal Pankh to Heerak Pankh. The ideal size of the unit is about 24. The formal organisation of the CUB Pack/Bulbul Flock is on a Six basis, each Six having a Sixer and a Second. The enables the sixer to enjoy a number of small privileges and play some part in leading his Six. The Adult Leader is known as Cub Master / Flock Leader.
From Pravesh to Rajya Puraskar and the Rastrapati Award. The ideal size is 24 and 32, made up of Patrols of Six/Eight Scouts / Guides, under a Patrol Leader and an Assistant Patrol Leader. Here the principal unit of activity is the Patrol and the Patrol Leader has considerable responsibility for leading and training his/her Patrol. The Adult Leader is known as Scout Master/ Guide Captain.
From Pravesh to Nipun and the Rastrapati Rover/Ranger Award. The ideal size is 24. This section is mainly self programming and largely self-governing. The Adult Leader is known as Rover Scout Leader/Ranger Leader.
Scouting / Guiding is a non-formal educational movement with training methods based on and suited to various age groups. It makes the Scouts and Guides resourceful, self-reliant, ever helpful towards others, discover their latent faculties and talents, as well as encourages them to express the same creatively.
The qualities inculcated through training are ability to adopt and acquire sense of responsibility, leadership, development skills, information about the BSG Organisation, programmes and management techniques, Training to Adult Leaders and Leaders of Adults is given at the National Training Centre, Panchmarhi, National Camping Complex, Noida and National Youth Complex, Gadpuri, State Training Complex, Bhubaneswar, State Training Centre, Barunei, Khurda, Training Centre at Chhata Makhan (Bolangir) and Bhanjapur, Baripada..
Training to the entrancts is given in patrols/troops/companies and groups by Trainers through discussions, skill demonstration in camps and participation in community development programmes. Camps are organised at various levels. Tours, excursions, Cub/Bulbul Utsav, Samagam, National Integration Camps, National Jamborees, Jamborettes, Comporees, Workshop and Conferences etc. provide opportunities to exchange ideas and learning by doing. Training is given to Air Scouting, Sea Scouting, Sanitation Brigade and disaster management group.